Doodle Devo Friday – Jeremiah 32:40 and a Bonus

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Jeremiah 32:40 I will never stop doing good for you.

Basket Weave

This week’s Doodle Devo is a page from the Doodle Devotional: Loved (available at the Blessinks store). The verse is Jeremiah 32:40. “I will never stop doing good for you.” I thought a spiral would be a great shape to use because theoretically it could go on forever. It is not limited by another line, like when to lines meet to form an angle on a square. I just get overwhelmed thinking about how much our heavenly Father loves us, thinks about us and always wants to do good for us. This is a great verse to memorize and tuck away for those tough days.

Technique: You can use one pattern for the spiral or vary patterns as I have done. I used one color to really accent the verse. Too many colors would be too busy and take the focus away from the awesome truth of this verse.

Bonus: I am including a bonus this week: A printable pattern sheet, so you can practice a little to get comfortable with making patterns. This week’s pattern is The Basket, based on Exodus 2:3 when Moses’ mom made a basket out of papyrus. I used this pattern in the background of Jeremiah 32:40(above). Give it a try it’s really easy and has lots of variations.Print your practice sheet here: Basket Weave


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