Doodle Devo – PS 11:28

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Doodle Devo

I have always admired people who have  been able to write pages and pages in their journals during quite time. I have a tall stack of journals where I have tried to journal – it lasts for about 2 days. I  have tried getting really fancy journals thinking I’d be more inclined to journal – but alas – no success. But as I am always doodling I thought maybe I should doodle a journal rather than write – since that wasn’t working for me. Doodling is a great activity that actually keeps your brain more engaged while you’re listening in a meeting or thinking through issues. So I have started doodling during my devotional time. So here’s one of my Doodle Devos. Next week I’ll post more on how to doodle and provide you a blank template to doodle your own verse.


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