Tag: Mike Rohde

  • World Sketchnote Day 2020

    World Sketchnote Day 2020

    Come and join us in our celebration of World Sketchnote Day on January 11, 2020. Share your sketchnotes using the hashtags: #SNDay2020 and #sketechnoteboss. As we start out our series of Sermon Sketchnotes, and given the date, I thought it only proper to start the series with a post about World Sketchnote Day, January 11th,…

  • The Names of God Sketchnote Bible Study # 1

    The Names of God Sketchnote Bible Study # 1

    This post begins our study of the Names of God. Each month we will focus on a name and have a sketchnote challenge to go along to deepen our study of His names so we get to know Him better. Why we Name things In this first installment of in our bible study starts with the…

  • Happy International Sketchnote Day

    Today is International Sketcthnote date. Adding pics to your notes helps you process what you’re learning, and it makes for faster recall, and better retention. Sermon Sketchnotes will be on sale this week for $8, regularly $10.95. On sale this week! $8.00

  • Illustrated St. Louis Food

    I love looking at illustrated recipes. I have never tried one before, so I thought I’d Sketch one out for the Sketchnote Workshop participants –and yes I brought along some Gooey Butter Cookies. They were a hit and many had never heard of or had tried them before. I was also fascinated with all the…

  • Sketchnote Road Trip

    Last week I had the opportunity to hear the guru of Sketchnoting  speak – Mike Rohde. It was a great session! Here’s a page from my travel journal with the page from my Nashville trip.

  • Doodle Devo Friday – Sketchnoting in Nashville

      This week I’m focused on skethcnoting. Here’s the sketchnotes I did while attending an Intervarsity talk at SIUE last week. Sam Baker gave a great talk. So glad I attended. This week I’m off to Nashville to attend the Sketchnote Workshop with the guru of sketchnoting – Mike Rohde. Can’t wait!