Tag: blessinks

  • Ps 139: 15-16 You are not a Mistake!

    I get to do a lot of pieces for the Student ministry area. This piece is one in a series that affirms God love for you and the He is your Creator. God doesn’t make junk. As I am a natural doodler, I incorporated doodling into this piece. Psalm 139: 15-16 talks about how deliberately…

  • Ps 138:8 The Lord will Accomplish what Concerns us.

    Psalms 138:8 is one of those verses that everyone should commit to memory and call upon it when things get rough or you are concerned about something. We serve a magnificent God who loves each one of us very much. If you are a parent you know what’s it’s like to watch your children struggle…

  • Doodle Devo – PS 11:28

    I have always admired people who have  been able to write pages and pages in their journals during quite time. I have a tall stack of journals where I have tried to journal – it lasts for about 2 days. I  have tried getting really fancy journals thinking I’d be more inclined to journal –…

  • Grains of Sand

    Psalm 139:17-18 How amazing is it that we are so important to God that He thinks about  more than all the grains of sand. To clarify He thinks about Me not us, He thinks about You, not everyone. He so desires to have a relationship with us, how can we not seek Him out? Spend…

  • You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

    As we start off the new year planning our goals and setting out to make a difference, keeping Psalms 139:14 in mind can only set us on the path for success. Knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made by such an Awesome God and our Creator, how loves us and has a perfect plan…

  • Welcome to Blessinks!

    Welcome to the Blessinks Blog your source for the Visual word posted weeky. Sign up for our newsletter and come back often.