Tag: blessinks

  • Count Your Blessings Day 22

      Money isn’t everything, but having a little money or a good income stream can certainly reduce stress. First and foremost let’s remember that James 1:17 says that every good gift comes from My hand. Everything we have is a gift from the Lord. You may think you bought your house or you landed that…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 21

      People who have influenced my life was another tough one. There were a lot of people on my list. You of course can always use the opposite page to add more gratitudes about people who have influenced your life. I also thought about people who have made me better or stronger with both positive…

  • Count Your Blessings Page 20


  • Count Your Blessings Day 19

      Unexpected blessings It’s the little things that bless me. To me it shows me that God is so focused on me and my life, and He delights to bless me in small ways. My oldest son has an out of town assignment and I only get to see me once every one or two…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 18 and Last Day to Enter Give Away

      Today (my birthday), illustrate your favorite verse. What does this verse mean to you. My life verse is EPH 3:20 God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. This is such a great verse to help me remember what a Big God I serve. One who loves me endlessly and has…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 17

    What’s on your essentials list? Things that you keep near you – are any of these things luxuries? Like Kleenex? I keep a box in every room – it’s a luxury that I don’t want to take for granted. I also never go anywhere without lip balm and a book. I am dependent on the…

  • Count Your Blessings Day 16

    What do you hope for? I hope that some way we wake up as a country and be a people that loves the Lord. I hope that we as a country find our way of our financial mess and reduce our spending and our debt. I hope too that my boys find their best purpose…

  • Count Your Blessing Day 15

    We’re at the half way point of the month and we’re over half way to our 100 Gratitudes. What are 3 talents the Lord had blessed you with? Read Matt 7:7-21 – the Parable about the Talents. Many people feel that this parable is about managing money and investing wisely. Certainly there are applications there,…

  • Count You Blessings Day 14 – Give away Friday 11/18

    What’s on your mind? I am grateful that the Lord is concerned about the things wer’re concerned about. There’s nothing too small in our lives that He is not interested in. Currently, health Insurance is  on my mind. My husband is now retired so we purchase our own insurance. Our monthly premiums are twice what…

  • Count Your Blessings – Day 11 Happy Veterans Day

    Happy Veterans Day! Do something nice for a veteran. If you don’t know  a vet then write a veteran. You can write to any solider at Operation Gratitude here: https://www.operationgratitude.com/writeletters/ We have a friend overseas so we’ll be sending  care package. Count Your Blessings – day 11 My spiritual gift is service, to that makes…