In this post, we will explore why it’s important to draw every day and provide you with a list of words so you can draw one every day.

Why Draw Daily?
Welcome to 2021! It’s a great day to start our ICONOLOGY Challenge. In learning to draw icons, we are expanding our visual vocabulary. We are not making art, we are improving our brain processes. We drawing or doodling uses both sides of the brain. When we doodle while we’re listening or watching, studies show we gain a deeper understanding of what we are trying to learn. From there, we tend to retain that information longer and recall it faster. Doodling is just good for the brain. We are a visual people and we interpret images 60,000 times faster than reading something. Taking a minute or two daily to challenge yourself to draw a new little icon daily is a painless way to stretch your visual vocabulary.
Iconology 365 Doodle Book

To help you do that, we have come up with a list of 334 words (we’re going to do the Inktober challenge to complete the whole year and make a doodle guide so you can print out the entire list AND complete them in one workbook. If you like the monthly calendar (thanks Bev!) that is posted in the Sermon Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group, feel free to continue to use whatever method will help you draw daily. You can get all the words in the Doodle guide, but we will also post them monthly.
To get the Doodle book all you need to do is sign up for my newsletter over to the right. Enter your name, email and hit submit. You will automatically receive an confirmation email with the link to the Member’s only page. You will find the Icon doodle book towards the top of the page. It is project 21-2
Let’s be clear we are not making art. We are expanding our visual vocabulary. We have this HUGE resource inside of ourselves that mostly goes un-tapped.
January 2021 Challenge List

These are just suggestions. If something impresses you on a day – draw that thing. Maybe your granddaughter has a panda cupcake for her party, so maybe that day you draw a panda or a cupcake or a panda cupcake. Or if you don’t want to draw something on the list, you can skip it and draw something else. The important thing is that you draw daily. Each month has items listed in alphabetical order, but you can draw them in any order you like. You don’t even have to stay in the same month.I tried to leave a little room for notes and reflections.So if you can relate to an icon, write a short note about it.
Post your doodles in the Facebook Group
Post your doodles in the Sketchnote Boss Facebook group or on Instagram using the hash tag @sketchnoteboss. Here’s my step by step on how to draw a donut. I used a little color, but mostly I do not color in the icons. I leave them black and white for a quick reference so I can quickly look back and draw it again.

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