Sketchntote Summer Camp

Sketchnote Summer Camp – Sermon Sketchnote Practice

In this  post I am going to take you step by step in how to prepare your page to do a sermon sketchnote. We are going to do a sketchnote on a short sermon by Francis Chan. 

Here’s my step-by-step video on how I prepared my page to take Sermon Sketchnotes for the Francis Chan Sermon below. The sermon is only 13 minutes long, but I still managed to use the whole page to take notes. He uses a lot of imagery in this sermon which made it easier to sketchnote. My sermon sketcnotes are displayed after the link to the sermon below.
Sketchnote Summer Camp
Sermon Sketechnote By Marsha Baker

The Process

I started by writing the title at the top right and then under the Bonus Challenge (in your Sketchnote Summer Camp) I added the information for the source of my sketchnote. In this case, I sketchnoted a sermon from Francis Chan about Being Still. I chose it because it fit in perfectly with our challenge this week to draw a treehouse and imagine your quiet place. His sermon was based on Psalms 46:10 – Be Still and know that I am God.

After I lettered the title and the speaker, I drew some boxes in pencil across the page I drew a total of 12 boxes three rows of 4 boxes across. I did this in Pencil to give me some very general guidelines as to how I should organize the flow of information. Blocking the information helps the eye organize the information and makes it easier to process.

I tried to leave room to draw images where it made sense. I drew the treadmill and an anchor to demonstrate the deep relationship that God wants to have with us.

As you look over my notes. don’t be concerned if the things I thought were important were not the things you thought were imporant. You may have picked up on other things that I missed, so sketch images and words that are important to you. My example above is just what spoke to me, yours will probably look totally different and that is really just perfect.

To check out more posts from our Sketchnote Summer Camp click here.