A Fireworks Sketchnote

How to Draw Fireworks

In this post we will learn how to sketchnote or draw simple fireworks using a few basic shapes. Get a paper and pencil and get ready to doodle with us!

Video on how to draw fireworks

Basic shapes for drawing fireworks

fireworks basic shapes

Here’s a quick post on how to draw fireworks. as the next challenge in our Sketchnote Summer Camp.  I hope you all are having a great 4th and can take a few minute out to doodle some fireworks for fun or with your littles or grands. 



penci, eraser,

black pen or markers – red and blue

Most firework doodles are made up of 8 different shapes. Looking at the box below are there any shapes that look to hard to draw? I didn’t think so.  I take you step -by- step in the video on how to fireworks.  Some firework patterns even have names – who knew?    

I start most of my fireworks by drawing a circle in pencil and then filling it in with the markers. If it is a fairly uniform shape like Peony in the picture below. I draw the basic shape – a triangle for the Peony by drawing in the four shapes that are equivalent to 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock on a clock. this will help you even out the spacing for the rest of the shapes. Erase the pencil lines when you have completed your doodle.

A Fireworks Sketchnote

I also did a mini-sketchnote about fireworks. I found out that fire works were invented in China around 200 AD and that we adopted fireworks as part of our Independence celebration back in 1777.  Check out my sketchnote for other fun facts. 

If you’re not part of the Sketchnote Boss Facebook group, come and join us and post your firework doodles. 

Be thinking about  your favorite summer-time recipe. You’ll need it for our next challenge. 

For previous challenges click here.


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