Sketchnote Summer Camp

Sketchnote Summer Camp is open!

This post announces the Sermon Sketchnote Boss’s Sketchnote Summer Camp. We’ll be working on our sketchnote skills, walking with the Lord, and doing fun summer things during June and July. Come and join in the fun!

Summer is my favorite season and with all the sheltering in place during this strange season, I thought that maybe Summer Camp would be just the thing to get us out of a slump and into enjoying the summer.

Did you go so summer camp? I went to a day camp for one summer and have very fond memories of it. The land is actually very close to where I live, but I am sad to say that it is now a large retirement community. I just remember it widen my world exposing me to new crafts and activities. I was probably about 10 and it was a lovely summer. Do you have summer camp memories? If so, leave me a comment. What was your favorite thing to do at summer camp?

At the Sketchnote Summer Camp, we’re going to go on Nature walks, have sing-alongs, picnics, and of course arts and crafts; and that’s just for starters. It’s going to be fun and you’re going to be a Sketchnote Boss when we’re done!


We are going to do summer camp for June and July.

There printable is available today (June 1st) which will have a weekly challenge that will strengthen our Sketchnoting Skills and do some fun summer activities as well. This will be a great project for your kids too!

Every Monday I will have a short video introducing this week’s challenge.

This week you should complete pages 1-5. There are some practice sheets for icons, patterns and lettering and on page 5 I want you to sketchnote your bucket list for the summer. Your bucket list should be full of fun things you want to do this summer. Doodle an icon for each item on your list. Be sure to post it in the Sermon Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group.


I am going to have Zoom Call which will be an hour in length and limited to 10 people. This will be a time where I will get you started on a special project in summer camp and allow time for questions and discussions on things you want to learn about and discuss. Keeping it small will allow me to give each of you personal attention. The fee for these calls will be $10 and sign-ups will be through my ETSY shop. The dates will be announced soon.


sketchnote summer camp

There will be a printable with pages ready for you to practice, but of course you can do this all in your journal if you are doodling in a journal. The printable will be ready on June 1st.

Print this journal or do the challenges in a blank your journal or add to the journal you are working on.
.-Pencil, eraser, ruler

  • black permanent pen like a Micron or Sharpie pen
  • Colors – markers, colored pencils or watercolors
  • a timer
  • a straw or bamboo skewer, thumb tack, 2 small beads or parts of an eraser

Let me know what questions you have and I look forward to seeing your stuff in the Sermon Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group.


Summer patterns
Summer icons


10 responses to “Sketchnote Summer Camp is open!”

  1. Lori Bowser Avatar
    Lori Bowser

    So excited Marsha! I went to summer camp many summers as a kid. My favorite part was the time our day camp divided up into red team and blue team and we had competitions all over the camp. I also remember canoing to a cheese factory that had penny candy. There was a mouse in the canoe and the girl I was with and I almost flipped our canoe.

    1. marsha Avatar

      Oh my teams – how fun. I will have to think about how to do that! I hope you draw a pic of the mouse in the canoe!

  2. Deborah Avatar

    Many thanks for dong this -where is the printable?

    1. marsha Avatar

      Deborah, Sign up for the newsletter and the confirmation email will have the link. So glad you’re going to camp with me!

  3. Lorie Marchant Avatar
    Lorie Marchant

    I only went to summer camp once as a child. It was Girl Scout camp and I loved everything about it, especially the food…they gave everything silly names: bug juice (Kool Ade)

    1. marsha Avatar

      I have fond memories of camp too!

  4. My siblings and I went to church camp in Goddard, KS on Lake Afton every summer when we were growing up. Then I worked at church camp after I graduated from high school one summer. I lived on the camp grounds, did mostly kitchen work, but also did odd jobs like being a cashier in the canteen, help paint dormitories, did the mail run or whatever I was assigned that day. I was up at 6:00 am and was in bed by 10 or 11:00 pm. Hardest job I ever had up to that point. Later, both our son and I went to a different church camp in Junction City, KS – I went as a counselor and he went as a camper the first year he went to church camp. After that he enjoyed his time as a camper on his own. Lots of good memories.

  5. christa Eksteen Avatar
    christa Eksteen

    Where do I get the printable for the summer camp challenge?

    1. marsha Avatar

      Sign up for the newslettter and the confirmation email will have the link. So glad you’re going to camp with me!

    2. marsha Avatar

      By joining the mailing list at – the link will be in the confirmation email. Can’t wait to see your stuff!

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