Iconology Cover

#the100DayProject ICONOLOGY Days 1 -9

In this post I will share my first 9 days of the 100 day project where I have chosen to doodle a themed page of Icons (at least 10) every day.


The 100 Day Proejct
The 100 day project logo

The 100 day project is a project that was started by a graphic design professor, Michael Bierut at the Yale School of Art. He challenged his students to do one thing for a hundred days.  One student took a picture every day with a person she had never met. Rachel Berger chose a paint chip out of a bag and then wrote about it in a short essay.  Hilla Katki discovered 100 different ways to use a folding chair.

Elle Luna and some friends decided in 2014 to share this with the world and launched the 100 Day project. org. Elle is a San Francisco based artist. The project is now being facilitated by Linday Jean Thompson.  Anyone can participate and it’s free.  You can do anything you want for 100 days.  This will be the 7th year that 100 day project has been around for us regular folks. Go to #The100DayProject and sign up. It’s not too late to start, go sign up today and get started.


This year I decided that it would be a good thing to do the 100 Day Challenge, for two reasons. First and most importantly, to hone my doodle skills and secondly, I thought it would be good to take on a project and finish it! I thought by making it public, the pressure would be on for me to stay up with this project.

Ok, I’ve made it through Day 9 of the 100 day challenge. Maybe just doing the challenge is manageable, but deciding to post my icons; this has increased the time investment! So far I am keeping up and I am determined to finish. Finding inspiration has not been difficult. At first, it was difficult to decide what to doodle – there were so many choices. One thing that helped was to find a list of weird and unusual holidays. I have started to plan out my icons based on holidays. In the days in-between, I will just doodle what-ever strikes my fancy or I would gladly accept suggestions by leaving a comment below.

Here’s a rundown of the first 9 days:

Cover of my Iconology Sketchbook
Craft Icons
Craft Icons

Day 1 – Crafts. It was National Handmade Day according to . I think making things by hand is a big thing. I think taking the time to make something is very satisfying.

Zoo Icons
Zoo Icons

Day 2 –  #Love your Zoo Day – this one was easy. Have you ever been to the St. Louis Zoo? It’s an amazing place and best of all its FREE. If you’ve never been to St. Louis you have to come for the zoo, but then there’s the arch and science center and Cardinals. Ok I see a St. Louis icon page coming soon. Stay tuned.

Candy icons
Candy Icons

Day 3 Candy – Why not? I used to love buying candy at the Quick Shop on the way home from School.

Farm icons
Farm Icons

Day 4 – #National Farm Animal Day. I got this from a calendar of Wierd and Unusal holdiays, but I can’t find anything more about it. So go hug your         cow today or at least drink a glass of milk.

Pet Icons

Day 5 – National Pet Day. Hug your pet today.

Easter Doodles
Easter Icons

Day 6 – Easter Doodles. If you want to still catch our Facebook Live where we doodled Easter things (except lilies) check out this post.

Coffee Icons
Coffee Icons

Day 7 – Coffee – I am not really a coffee drinker, but my husband loves coffee, so celebrating RB who says that coffee is good for you. Mind you we order our coffee 25 lbs at a time.

Garden Icons
Garden Icons

Day 8 – I’ve been working on my garden. What are you planting this year?  #National Garden Day. I’m more of a flower person over a vegetable person. I have over 30 kinds of day lilies. Maybe we’ll have to take a tour this summer.

Tax Day Icons
Tax Day Icons

Day 9 – Tax Day – ok just kidding. You have until July 15th this year, don’t wait, get your documents gathered and get it filed!

I’ll post again next Wednesday, so stay tuned for more icons. And do a little doodling of your own. Never stop moving your pen!

This is been quite a challenge. So we’ll see how I do next week. In the meantime. If you’re also doing the100 day project, but sure to post it daily on Instagram using the hashtags #the100DayProject and #the100DayProject2020


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