
Happy Easter

Easter Sketchnoting and lily doodles for you to try.

Happy Easter everyone! I thought I would share my Easter Sketchnotes and some how to doodles. We did a Facebook live doing some Easter doodling that I am going to include the video here.


I asked everyone in the Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group to list the link to their churches. I told everyone that I would try to sketchnote one of the services. 18 of you left your links so how to decide which service to sketchnote? I found a random number generator and asked for a number between 1 and 18. It returned the number 7. So I counted down 7 (skipping my church) and landed on Monica’s church Cielo Vista Church in El Paso Texas. I thought it was very humorous that Dr. Lamb suggested that we take a few notes and we could use or tablets, phone or even use pencil and paper if anyone did that anymore. Hopefully, Monica will pass these on to her pastor for a chuckle.


Notice that I used a little light water color crayons wash to highlight the subtitles, to make them stand out a bit and I used round colorful numbers to clearly note the three points in this message. I have to be honest and say that I didn’t have a Roman solider in my icon library but because I was watching a video I did a quick search and came up with this guy in the upper right.

I also used a light grey maker to draw shadow lines under the verse boxed and call-out boxes and balloons to give the note a little more depth.

The 100 Day Project

As most of you know I decided to do the 100 Day Challenge (#The100DayChallenge) doing a page of icons a day. I am choosing a daily theme at random and then my challenge is to draw at least 10 icons per day. Today of course I did Easter doodles. I will post all my doodles on Wednesdays through the next 100 days.

Easter Doodles Video

If you want to follow along with some Easter Doodles you can check out our Facebook Live recording we did Friday. If you’re not a member of the Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group click on on over and join up.

Easter Doodles

One that was requested was a lily and I just went blank. So here are 4 quick ways to draw lilies. Daylilies are my very favorite flower so it’s a bit crazy that I have not drawn these before.

How to draw a lily
How to draw a lily.
how to draw lilies of the field
How to draw a Lily of the Valley
How to Draw a Calla Lily - #1
how to draw a Calla Lily #1
How to Draw a Calla Lilly Part 2
How to draw a Calla Lilly #2

Stay tuned for next week when we will do another Name of God and check in on our Remote Random Acts of Kindness Project for April.


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