In this post, I will introduce you to the #The100DayProject and challenge you to participate.
I will be taking the challenge. Read more about it in this post.
I wanted to share another challenge with you that starts April 7th. I wanted to introduce you to the challenge and give you some time to decide if you wanted to participate.
For a few years, I have heard people talking about The 100 Day Challenge. I was not sure what that really meant, but it seemed that were committing to doing something for 100 days. After a bit of research, I discovered that #Thet100Project was started by a Graphic Design teacher named Michael Bierut, who teaches at the Yale School of Art and is with the graphic design firm Pentagram. He challenged his students to do one thing for a hundred days. One student took a picture every day with a person she had never met. Rachel Berger chose a paint chip out of a bag and then wrote about it in a short essay. Hilla Katki discovered 100 different ways to use a folding chair. The list goes on and on. If you want to read Michael Bierut’s essay, you can read it here.
Elle Luna and some friends decided in 2014 to share this with the world and launched the 100 Day project. org. Elle is a San Francisco based artist and decided to share this great project with us. The project is now being facilitated by Linday Jean Thompson. Anyone can participate and it’s free. You can do anything you want for 100 days. This will be the 7th year for The100 Day Project. Go to #The100DayProject and sign up. I signed up yesterday – more about my challenge in a bit. I’ll need your help with it!
Is there something you want to change in your life, a habit you want to start or something you want to improve? You might consider The 100 Day Project. Here’s the link to the Instagram feed for the #The100DayProject to give you some ideas. You don’t have to post anything, but the option is there if you want to. Be sure to use the hashtag #The100DayProject.
100 Creatives
Sally Harris, an author, and teacher from Australia was doing a podcast based on the 100-day project called 100 Creatives. Sally interviewed people who were doing the 100-day challenge to find out what they were doing and how they were doing. Some had completed the project in 100 days, and some took longer. There are no rules to this challenge, it’s for your personal benefit. Leave a comment and tell me what you’re going to do. If you are looking for The 100 Day Project outside this post, be sure to look for The 100 Day project. ORG and NOT .COM. This is another challenge I don’t know much about.
MY Challenge.

For those of you who are part of the Sketchnote Boss tribe, you know that I encourage you all to draw an icon a day. Many of you are rocking it and posting your stuff daily or weekly. You may have noticed that I have not been posting icons. I have have been saving my icon drawing super-power for the 100 Day Challenge; I’ll be drawing a themed page of Icons for my project for 100 days. I really wanted to hone my icon doodling skills and I thought that expanding my visual vocabulary was a great way to hone my skills.
I thought about posting my hearts but decided that they were already finished so it kinds of defeats the purpose to hone a new skill. Instead, I am going to challenge myself to choose 1 theme and then fill the pages with that theme. I have to draw at least 10 icons per theme. The theme can be anything that captures my fancy. Many of you have seen my icon page for the fun Christmas gift bags. I am going to do 100 more themed pages like it, just not on bags, but in a sketchbook. Here’s a page I did for Valentine’s Day last year.

How You Can Help
I hope will join me. I’d like to encourage you and hopefully you will encourage me. I need your help: Post a comment below or in the Sketchnote Boss Facebook Group, and give me a theme for an icon page, gardening, flowers, bees, cars……..What should I draw? I will be posting my icon pages daily on Instagram and doing a wrap up post weekly on the blog.
Next week we will study a new Name of God and do a related journal page the next week.
Bierut, M. )2011). Five years of 100 Days. Design Observer. https://designobserver.com/feature/five-years-of-100-days/24678
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