1st Annual Sketchnote Christmas Cookie Exchange

Hi everyone, just a quick post to let you know about the Sketchnote Cookie Exchange. I talk more about it here in the video and the instructions are below. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

•Sketchnote your recipe by hand

•Use sketchnote elements – containers, arrows, icons… to organize the page •The recipe should include a drawing of the final product.

•Must be in ink •Size 8 ½ x 11 •Orient the paper as Portrait(not landscaped)   

•Color is encouraged, but optional

•Sign and date your recipe

•Optional – include your FB, or IG handle

• Scan your recipe and save as a .jpg, .pdf or .png

•If you need a scanner app on your phone – CAM SCANNER is a great free choice. A phone pic is not going to be clear enough so please scan your recipe

•Last day to submit  December 14th, 2019 email submissions to blessinks@live.com

•A PDF file of all the recipes submitted will be available December 18th.                 

By emailing your recipe you are giving us permission to use your sketchnote in our Christmas Cookie Exchange Recipe Book.


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