Oh my gosh, only 3 more days (counting today). What are we going to do on Day 22? Tune in for sure. I am working on a couple of Thanksgiving Challenges. After this challenge is over, I plan on posting a weekly challenge. Hopefully, a weekly challenge is manageable. It won’t be at this frenzied pace we’ve been running for the past 21 days. The Lord is just giving me all kinds of creative ideas so stay with me and buckle up. It’s going to be fun. I have been in a period of zero creativity and it’s been hard; I am so thankful for you all and all the cool stuff we are doing together.
If you are still working on the challenge after our official end date, we still want to see your stuff. Post it in the Facebook group.
If you haven’t already, you might want to procure a sketchbook or a dotted grid journal – remember no lined journals. You can use this for our future challenges. And you need some permanent ink pens like the Micron pens.

Now on to today – sketchnote an article. Here’s a book report I did on Steal like an Artist by Austin Kleon. It was a fun and inspiring book and worth checking out at the Library. The book has 10 points but somehow I managed to consolidate it into 8 points. Notice I chose very eye-catching numbers so the eye can distinguish between the points. Notice my images are simple stick-figures. I think I read this and sketchnoted it in an evening.

For the 21 day Sermon Sketchnote Challenge I decided to combine the challenge with one of my personal goals. It is my deep desire to lose 100 lbs. I have found that Intermittent Fasting works really well for me. I am no way endorsing this because it’s not right for everyone. But for me to keep my head in the game, I need to listen to a podcast or read an article every other day or so to keep me motivated and inspired. So today I found an article on Intermittent fasting.
I can’t wait to see what you are curious about.
Till tomorrow.
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