Sermon Skletchnote Challenge Day 18

Today we are going to sketchnote a fact sheet. It’s a fun and easy way to learn more about a subject. Homeschool moms – wouldn’t this be a great book report format? I like to do fact sheets for my classes. On Labor Day I decided I didn’t know much about Labor Day so I did a little research and posted this as my Happy Labor Day post. How to do a Sketchnote Fact sheet: 

  1. First I do a bit of research on your topic. You can do a quick google search or go to the Library and check out some books. 
  2. Make a list of interesting things you found in researching your topic. 
  3. Select 5-10 things for your fact sheet. 
  4. Pre-plan your page with  layout and spacing. Possibly do this in pencil. 
  5. Letter in a nice large title on your sheet
  6. Use medium subtitles
  7. list out the details of each item, add icons as it makes sense
  8. Color, ink and share

Here’s my process on Strawberries. 

I am teaching skethnoting to some middle school/high schoolers at a local home school consortium. They said they liked strawberries. So I did some research on strawberries. I looked up fun facts, trivia, the history of strawberries, how to grow them, where they grow, nutrition facts things to do with strawberries, why are they called strawberries? Sometimes a fact would lead to another question and more research.

Here’s my research: 

Part 1

And here’s what I came up with. Clearly I broke the Sketchnoting Rules. I have a big title, but I don’t have bullets and numbers and I don’t have sub-titles. I got very crazy with the shape. It seemed like it would be fun and interesting to contain everything in the shape of a strawberry. We will see how my class likes this on Friday. Do you think it works?

Part 2

I did an icon sheet about how to draw strawberries – how to present them, different angels and presentations. Here’s what I came up with: 

Things to Reseach

If you’re stuck on what to research try these ideas:

  1. Have trivia sheet about Thanksgiving for your guests
  2. Do a fact sheet about some aspect of Christmas 
    1. the probability of having White Christmas
    2. Christmas movies
    3. History of Santa
    4. Background of a few Christmas Carols
  3.  Research the history of your town
  4. Do a fact sheet on your church
  5. Do a fact sheet on your employer

Ways to use a Sketchnote fact sheet

  1. Teacher’s syllabus
  2. Holiday fact sheet
  3. The cover of an invitation to a party
  4. A book report
  5.  Sharing information in a committee meeting
  6. An about me page
  7. Have the kids make a sketchnoted fact sheet as a test review

I’d love it if you would share other ways you would use a fact sheet. 


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