Today we are going to sketchnote a fact sheet. It’s a fun and easy way to learn more about a subject. Homeschool moms – wouldn’t this be a great book report format? I like to do fact sheets for my classes. On Labor Day I decided I didn’t know much about Labor Day so I did a little research and posted this as my Happy Labor Day post. How to do a Sketchnote Fact sheet:

- First I do a bit of research on your topic. You can do a quick google search or go to the Library and check out some books.
- Make a list of interesting things you found in researching your topic.
- Select 5-10 things for your fact sheet.
- Pre-plan your page with layout and spacing. Possibly do this in pencil.
- Letter in a nice large title on your sheet
- Use medium subtitles
- list out the details of each item, add icons as it makes sense
- Color, ink and share
Here’s my process on Strawberries.
I am teaching skethnoting to some middle school/high schoolers at a local home school consortium. They said they liked strawberries. So I did some research on strawberries. I looked up fun facts, trivia, the history of strawberries, how to grow them, where they grow, nutrition facts things to do with strawberries, why are they called strawberries? Sometimes a fact would lead to another question and more research.
Here’s my research:
Part 1
And here’s what I came up with. Clearly I broke the Sketchnoting Rules. I have a big title, but I don’t have bullets and numbers and I don’t have sub-titles. I got very crazy with the shape. It seemed like it would be fun and interesting to contain everything in the shape of a strawberry. We will see how my class likes this on Friday. Do you think it works?
Part 2
I did an icon sheet about how to draw strawberries – how to present them, different angels and presentations. Here’s what I came up with:

Things to Reseach
If you’re stuck on what to research try these ideas:
- Have trivia sheet about Thanksgiving for your guests
- Do a fact sheet about some aspect of Christmas
- the probability of having White Christmas
- Christmas movies
- History of Santa
- Background of a few Christmas Carols
- Research the history of your town
- Do a fact sheet on your church
- Do a fact sheet on your employer
Ways to use a Sketchnote fact sheet
- Teacher’s syllabus
- Holiday fact sheet
- The cover of an invitation to a party
- A book report
- Sharing information in a committee meeting
- An about me page
- Have the kids make a sketchnoted fact sheet as a test review
I’d love it if you would share other ways you would use a fact sheet.
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