21 Day Challenge – Day 12

Welcome to day 12. I think you will find it is a lighter today so you can catch up look a head and be thinking of some of the more involved challenges coming up. I’m still working on the last couple of pages myself!

Before we get started on Day 12, I want you to start thinking about the kind of book you’d like to have to begin your formal sketchnote journey. I think you have have a book where you keep all your sketchnotes you can look back to see your progress. I recommend the Bullet Journal System where you leave some blank pages in the front to fill in the Index as you fill up pages. When you get done with a page, you will log it in the index. You can do what ever makes sense, but I start with the page number, date, and then some combination of title, speaker, location. The image above is the index from my current Sermon Sketchnote book. 

On Day 12 your assignments are to develop more patterns and icons,  write the alphabet dropping the mean line, writing out a gratitude list complete with icons and then practicing bubbles and call out boxes. 
Hopefully you can get all that done and have a bit of time to catch up of there are pages that still need a bit of work. 
People  have been asking me what’s going to happen on Day 22 – and I wanted you to know that we plan to keep this group active with weekly challenges designed to build your visual vocabulary and walk deeper with the Lord. 
Till Tomorrow, 


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