Sketchnote Boss 21 Day Challenge – Day 5

Welcome to Day 5. I think a lot of you are rocking this. In the Sketchote Boss Facebook group, there are some pretty awesome posts. Some of you are being very clever with your doodles. Keep up the good work!

Day 5 21 Day Challenge

Today we are practicing our double letters for titles, numbers and making a list of favorites. I listed my favorite movies.

Shetchnote Numbers

When making lists you want to make your numbers and bullets stand out on the page so your eyes can easily find them and detect the organization on the page. BUT your numbers and bullets also have to be something that you can doodle quickly. When you’re first starting out. Chose one style and stick with it.


I also want to talk a little about Icons. Icons should be really simple and something you can draw quickly. If you get too involved with an image you will miss what the speaker has to say. However, there are times when you can spend more time on an image – if the speaker is telling a long story or if you are adding images to your bible study or devotional time. With practice, you will get a good feel of what the situation calls for a quick doodle or a slow sketch. Here’s a list of icons I did with an Education theme. I am one of those people who can’t just sit and watch a movie. I have to be doing something so I doodle in my sketchbook mostly icons. Practice makes better, but never perfect.


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