Last week I mentioned that I have joined up with Visual Faith Ministries. VFM is the brain child of Connie Denninger and Pat Meier. I have been following them for a bit and realized that
VFM and I have the same mission – to help people grow spiritually through visual expression. I have been a doodler all my life but I have always struggled with consistent quite time. I think it partly because the Lord was not a great presence in my childhood household so I didn’t develop those habits and partly because I thought the only way to have quite time was to write in a journal. I remember the pastor’s wife saying something about having to go get another journal as she’d already filled up 3 this year! I was thinking – what is wrong with me? I have tried so many times to journal and I never make it more than 2 or 3 days in a journal. I The Lord gave me the idea to doodle a verse and I have to tell you that once I started doodling my quite time exploded. I think the process of slowing down and really concentrating on His word really opened my mind and heart to really stop and hear what He wanted to say to me. I realized in talking with others that I was not the only person who loathed journaling and loved to doodle during quiet time. So my mission is to help others grow spiritually. I decided to illustrate my mission statement. What do you think? It is my hope to show you how easy visual journaling can be and why its going to create a journal that documents your faith and you’ll treasure it for many years.

I am so excited to partner with Connie and Pat and the rest of the tribe at Visual Faith Ministries. I can’t wait to do some workshops and some Visual Faith Pop Up events where we can all come together, learn some art techniques and growth in the Lord.
We have started a Visual Faith Missouri facebook group. Our purpose is to find folks who live in Missouri who might want to get together and doodle together. You don’t have to live in Missouri to join. I’ll be posting regularly there with ideas and posting spreads from my journals.
You can also follow Visual faith Ministries here. There are about 60 Visual Faith Coaches and they post some really cool ideas and free printables. This is definitely a site you should bookmark, follow and visit often.
and you can follow me on Visual faith Ministries Pintrest page.
I know I have been absent for a bit, sometimes life gets to vote. I The Lord had shut some doors which is allowing me to be more faithful to my blog and to you to help you grow in your faith. Stay tuned for some really cool stuff coming up. I have decided to Blog on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Thursday I am going to post about the science behind visual journaling and why it’s a good thing to take visual notes for anything you’re doing.
See you Thursday,
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