

Happy Tuesday.
Prompt: Write about something you’re thankful for about where you live.
 Psalm 35:18
I will give you thanks in the congregation;
    among the throngs I will praise you.
I was very saddened to hear of the church bombing in Egypt on Palm Sunday. I pray for the victims and their families. I also pray for those that did this horrible thing. It makes me thankful that I live in a place where I can worship freely and safely. This helps me broaden my prayer list to not be so me and so locally focused. I need to make a more conscious effort to pray globally.
Technique: I continue to practice with a brush pen, but I am not happy with the lack of control of the thick and thin parts of my letters. I try to practice daily – practice hopefully makes improvements. I colored the pyramid in colored pencil and did the border in a blue pen.
Till next week,



grati Tuessday 17-04-11


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