I can’t believe I have missed three gratitudes in a row. Life has been a bit hectic and I am working hard to surpass these challenges so I can focus more on doodles and devos. i hope by May to be very focused on doing regular postings. In the meantime I appreciate your grace and patience. In an effort to get back on track, I am going to post three gratitudes in a row – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Proverbs 127:3-5
Children are a gift[a] from the Lord,
a reward from a mother’s womb.
4 A young man’s sons
are like the arrows in a soldier’s hand.
5 The man who fills his quiver with sons
will be very blessed.
He will never be defeated
4 A young man’s sons
are like the arrows in a soldier’s hand.
5 The man who fills his quiver with sons
will be very blessed.
He will never be defeated
when he opposes his enemy at the city gates.[
Today’s prompt: Write about a child who has blessed you.
I could write several posts on this. My husband and I have started a Children’s Worship service. The kids bless me every week with their earnestness to learn about God and we have several middle school helpers who faithfully come back and help us every week with crafts and games. But this week my own child prompted me to take a moment to be grateful. He’s not a child, but a grown man. His birthday was this week which took be back to the delivery room, and I was thinking that how awesome is God that He gave us this son; to be his parents. He is such a fine man who seeks to walk with the Lord and strives for integrity in everything he does. I just needed to take a moment and be thankful to the Lord for my children and the great blessings they bring to my life.

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