Grati-TUESDAY #10



Ps 23: 1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.
Prompt: Today, ask for nothing and just be thankful for all you have.
I was struck when I was looking at my calendar today while looking for a date, the first like of Psalm 23 hit me. I lack nothing. I have come to realize that I really do lack nothing. Everything on my list of things I think I need are really wants and not essential. So often I find myself asking for this and that, that I forget to stop and say thank you for all the abundant blessings in my life. So today I am just going to have a praise day and thank Him for all my blessings and answered prayer.
I have decided to take up a brush pen and practice daily. I used a Tombrow calligraphy pen with a small brush. I’m just starting, so hopefully we’ll see improvement. The trick is just to take your time and go slow. It looks like it was fast and haphazard, but its a very slow deliberate process. I also used a fine tipped light blue marker to outline my verse.
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