Grati-TUESDAY #9


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Prompt # 9  Write about a recent purchase
 Ps 103:5 He Fills my life with good things.
Everything we have is from the Lord. We are just stewards of all we have. Sometimes I forget that and think I earned something or I deserve….. These times bring me to a point of humility when I think about all that He blesses me with. The Lord blessed us with a new car. We are not really new car people. We buy used cars as we drive them till they die. The two cars we have in our drive way have 230,000 miles on them each. We felt we needed a more reliable car as we think through our car needs. We got a very fuel efficient car that is just down right fun to drive too. We got a very good deal and feel totally blessed so I just wanted to that the Lord for His abundant blessings.
What did He bless you with recently?


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