
Well its Grati-Tuesday, but what happened to last week? It was Valentine’s day and everything. I am sorry I missed last week. I try to stay a head with my postings, but it my turn to get sick last week. I had the worst cold I can remember. I am much better now and not floating around in a haze. So here’s two prompts. Hopefully last week you wen ahead without me, but just in case you need to catch up:
Prompt #7 – Write about the people you love. Write about how they support you and why you love them.

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Prompt #8 – Write about the kindness of strangers and then purpose to show
I was in Walmart late, like after 11 on evening a few weeks ago and I noticed an associate taking a man around the store to choose things. I took me a moment to realize that the customer was blind. When I got the to check out the blind man was checking out too. There were two associates who were helping him. I was struck by how patient and respectful they were. They were very gracious to him. Maybe they were just doing their jobs but I was struck by their attention to every little detail. After check out they took him to the waiting Taxi and helped him in. I was just struck by the kindness they were showing to this man.
Then later in the week, I was getting out of my car and a lady came up to me to ask if I was ok and if I needed prayer. I was in the middle of my bad cold so she prayed for healing and I think that was the turning point on my getting better. Her name was Jean and I was blessed that she noticed and then prayed for me. So  I have been blessed with the kindness of strangers and I want to purpose to be a helper to someone this week. I would encourage you to do the same.
When were you blessed by the kindness of a stranger?

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