#5 Grati-TUESDAY



Col 3:15 – And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.
Our days can have elements of unpleasant things. I think its good to have bad with the good so we appreciate the good things more. So today think of something unpleasant and find a silver lining – something positive about the situation. Maybe it could be worse, or this isn’t as bad as in the past…. I hate the cold. Please understand I am not being trite here – I really hate the cold and therefore I have an intense dislike for Winter. But I decided to take time to find something to be thankful for for winter. I love snowflakes and their infinite designs. And I know that winter is a quite time for plants to prepare for growth in the spring. So winter is a preparatory time to create the promise of spring – which is my favorite season.
Here’s my #5 grati-Tuesday page. Get your grati-TUESDAY printable here.
I am often asked how I come up with all these designs. Part of it is,  my pen is always moving and I create a lot of happy accidents. I go back through my sketches to find something fun to add to a page. Its a lot about prep work. Below I posted a page of borders. I remember watching a movie (I can’t sit and just watch a movie – I have to be doing something) and I decided to do a page of borders. So now when I need a border, I go look at my border page in my sketchbook and find one that jumps out. Today I did a simple leaf pattern and random snowflakes at the top.
Consider getting a sketchbook to start as your doodle library and add patterns. borders and fonts  you like.
On Friday I am going to post a new technique I’ve been doing with my Sermon Sketchnotes.

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I just doodle random borders during TV time and now I have a library of borders to choose from when I need a border.




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