2016 in Review


I thought I would recap 2016 with my travels, books read and so on. I put them in sketchnote format. I would encourage you to do the same. Where did you travel? How many miles did you walk or run? What else do you want to document? I would encourage you to think about what you did in 2016. My process was to think about what I’ve done and then I went hunting to find data….counting my sketchnotes, blog posts, states I visited….I went back through my calendar and then made doodles while I recapped 2016. Clearly 1,000 is my number for 2017. I want to write 1,000 gratitudes, walk 1,000 miles and ride my bike 1,0000 miles. Make a recap of your year and next week I’ll post my goals for 2017 which will be focused on the number 1,000!.


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