Coming in 2017 grati-Tuesdays!


As I work out my posting schedule for 2017 one post I wanted to do weekly was a gratitude journal post. I thought I would post a verse and a gratitude prompt. What better day to be grateful than grati-TUESDAY? If you want to get a jump start, here’s the printable. You might want to print off a few copies so you’ll be ready next week when I post the prompt for the first week of 2017 next Tuesday. The printable has a place for you to write the prompt and the verse and then journal a bit and doodle a bit. There’s also a prayer card you can cut off and use as your bookmark for the week in your Bible. So print some gratitude weekly sheets and check back next Tuesday for the first prompt of the year.

Grati-TUESDAY printable: grati-tuesdays-printable
Check back tomorrow for the January 2017 printable calendar. We’ll be studying the character traits of God this year. Join me so we can do this study together.
Till tomorrow.




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