Count Your Blessings Day 13 plus a give away

Gratitdues about the Seasons
Gratitdues about the Seasons


Draw something you love about every season.

I love summer. I love the heat and the sun and playing the water. The flowers are in bloom, it’s just a glorious time for me. In always think the summer flies by too fast and all of a sudden the weather is cooling and it’s autumn. We have summer fun days were we take a day off to do something fun. This summer we went to Circus Flora; a St. Louis exclusive.

The fall colors are great. The weather is cooler so it’s easier to get out and wrap up garden duties. I love the fall colors.

Winter is my least favorite season because I hate the cold, but I love to look out of the window in my warm house and looking at a lovely snowfall. I love to see everyone’s creative snowmen. Spring is a winner with all new blooms with the bulb flowers. There’s no better promise of spring than seeing a Daffodil in bloom in a snowfall.

No matter what season, I see His glory and majesty in every season, and I take time to thank him for all the blessings of the season – there are beautiful days in every season.

Here’s today’s printable cyb13

And  You can go to get the previous printables here.

abundantly blessed cover

Friday I am going to have a drawing for one of my Gratitude Journals. To enter the drawing:

  1. Be on my email list
  2. Repost my blog using the hashtag #blessinks100gratitudes on twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
  3. Leave a comment on my blog.

I will draw from everyone who has done one of the three things above through midnight Friday November 18, 2016. I will announce the winner on Saturday November 19th.

I love all the great feedback and seeing everyone’s Count Your Blessings Journal. Can you believe we’re already up to #49.

Till Tomorrow,



3 responses to “Count Your Blessings Day 13 plus a give away”

  1. Thank you for this wonderful Count Your Blessings series…. I have been so disgruntled with my life and constantly searching for the next best thing… your series is opening my eyes again to what is all around me that I know and love. My children and I do a page at the start of our homeschool day, and there is a wonderful sense of peace in all of us when we are done. I would love to do the 52 week challenge next year, and keep the fire of gratitude burning all year long!

    1. Caroline, Thanks for your kind words. What a great idea. I just might do that.

    2. Thank you for your kind words – this is very encouraging for me. Its good to know others are benefiting from this challenge as well! Blessings, Marsha

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