Count Your Blessings Day 5


Day 5 – Proverbs 16:3 Commit your plans to the Lord and they will be accomplished

Do you have any goals written down? The Lord gives us a short life and expects great things of us; what three things do you want to accomplish? Write down your goals and then doodle something about your goals. They can just be simple things. You don’t have to solve global warming, just identify things in your life that you want to change and write it down. Writing detailed action plans with dates helps goals to become reality. Writing things down creates a sense of accountability. Pray about what plans the Lord has for you.

I am sharing my goals. First and foremost on my goals is to lose 100 pounds. At this point in my life any weight loss would be great, I desire to be healthy and able to serve. So far I am down 10 lbs,  100 to go. Next I’d like to visit all 50 states, I have 17 left to visit. And finally  I want to reclaim my house; declutter and figure out to how to stay that way  so ultimately,  I can do more art.

Here’s the printable for today: cyb5

You can go to get the previous printables here.

Till tomorrow,




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