Count Your Blessings Day 4



Day 4  Psalms 96:11-12: Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice;Let the sea [a]roar, and [b]all it contains; Let the field exult, and all that is in it.
Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy. (I just realized that I did not include the verse reference on the printable, so you might want to add that somewhere.)

Experiences make great memories and often traveling can create  meaningful memories. The Lord has made a magnificent earth for us to experience. Where have you been that has been memorable? My son might say Haiti. He went a Mission trip when he was 16. He was so moved by the need and poverty that he gave up soda and has not had a drop of soda since 2009. My memories are about lovely times away with my family. I was able to go with my husband on a business trip to London. It was a great couple of days to see that great city. And as I love the beach so much, we took two family vacations to San Diego and St. Augustine Florida, both were wonderful; although we did lose our 6 year old at Sea World for a few minutes in San Diego.

And finally, I added Fargo ND because God has a great sense of humor. I was looking at a map of the United States and realized I still have 18 states to visit. I remember thinking that I would probably never go to North Dakota because there was anything we’d want to go see there. The very next day, my son came home and told  us he was being transferred to Fargo North Dakota on temporary assignment. So we went to Fargo over the July 4th. It was good to see where he lives and the big construction project he’s working on.

It’s day 4 and you’re already at 21 things you’re grateful for.

Here’s the printable for today:   cyb4

You can go to get the previous printables here.

Till tomorrow,




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