Count Your Blessings – Challenge 2


Day 2 is about focusing on the people that the Lord has put in your life that you cherish. Draw simple faces, I drew my family as snowmen, because I just don’t do faces all that well. I also added a little element of their careers to each picture. Take time to pray for each person specifically today. If you have more than 4 loved ones use the opposite page to draw more frames and faces. If you have less than 4 folks, then just doodle patterns in the blank frames.

There are more than 4 folks in my life that I cherish, but I decided to list my dear husband and three awesome sons. They all love the Lord and as a family we love to spend time with each other. As the boys’ careers take them to different places we really cherish the time we get to spend all together.

For the technique, I drew each in pencil first then outlined in a permanent black marker. I used a limited palette of color pencil to color the frames blending the blues and greens. I chalked in the background and used a Kleenex to smooth the color around. I then used a silver color pencil to draw the stripes of the wall papered background to add interest but nothing too overwhelming.

Here’s the printable for today: cyb2

You can find previous Count Your Blessings Printables here.

Till tomorrow!



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