Count Your Blessings Gratitude Challenge – Day 1


Today let’s start our gratitude list with 10 things you love. Maybe they’re things  or maybe they’re experiences. Choose those things that totally delight you. Don’t think too hard – just doodle what comes to mind. Try to draw a little doodle about these things. Keep your pics simple and if you think of more than 10 things use the opposite page to add to your list. There’s no rule that you can only list 100 gratitudes in this journal. The sky is the limit. Here’s my list:

  1. Popsicle (sugar free) – so refreshing on a hot summer day
  2. Dark chocolate – ‘nuf said.
  3. Being in The Word and having time to doodle.
  4. Riding my bike
  5. A week on the beach
  6. A new blank journal – giddy just thinking about all the doodles yet to be doodled.
  7. Being a good steward of our gifts and being able to save a little.
  8. A long walk on a beautiful day
  9. My phone, which is also my camera, my audible, my organizer, my calendar…
  10. A new set of color pencils or markers

If you can’t think of all 10 things at once, you can always come back to this page.

Here’s the printable:  cyb-1

In case you missed the cover page or  the doodled by page – start here

See you tomorrow.

If you want a preview of tomorrow’s challenge be sure to sign up for my newsletter. The sign up box is by my picture to the right.


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