Doodled by page and helpful hints



While you’re finishing your Doodled by Page, consider keeping it consistent with the cover. I used blues which is becoming my favorite color.

As a sneak peek for tomorrow make a list of 10 things you love. Keep it to THINGS – we’ll write and doodle about people later. What things do you just love? Popsicles and dark chocolate are the first two things on my list.

Here’s the printable: cyb-doodled-by

Here  some helpful hints for your 30 day gratitude challenge if you get stuck when thinking of things to doodle about:

  1. Don’t worry if you are unable to think of to complete all the gratitdues on the day it’s published. Sometimes you have to let your brain work on these you can always come back and finish that page later.
  2. Your gratitudes don’t have to be deep and profound. Often God reveals himself in the now and in the little things. So write down the things that come to mind. If you think of other things later you can add to your list or start a new list on the blank page opposite of the page you’re working on.
  3. If you are going to use a wet medium on you pages, tape them down with Frog tape on a hard surface before using water colors. Be sure to let is dry completely before removing the tape.
  4. I encourage you to do this gratitude journal with someone else so you can share your blessings with each other.
  5. The Count Your Blessings journal would make a great stocking stuffer. Just bind the book of blank pages, and then add a box of colored pencils. It makes a great gift!

Till tomorrow!

You can find previous Count Your Blessings Printables here.



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