Alpha Verse – N is for Never as in Jer 32:40 (and printable)


I will NEVER stop doing good for you. Jer 32:40 (NLT)
Wow – What could we accomplish if we really believed this that everything the Father does for us is good even if we can’t see it at the time. This verse comforts me in knowing that I always have a champion in my corner – someone walking with me and catching me when I fall. This is a verse to memorize!
I doodle the N in black ink and then used the negative space (or background) to doodle. I was experimenting with just Paisleys. I inked in the paisleys then used rubber cement to block out then N so when I colored this in with my Conte water color crayons the N stayed white so I could add the verse after it dried. I taped the paged down with Frog tape before I stared coloring and water-coloring.
You can get the printable here.n-jer-32-40-printable
Till next week.


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