Sermon Sketchnotes – Hospitality 1 Peter 4:10


Sermon sktechnote Lifespring Community Church sermon on hospitality part 1
Sermon sktechnote Lifespring Community Church sermon on hospitality part 1
Ok maybe I’m a little biased about this series, but it was a great series even if my husband gave the message. You can find the audio of the sermon here: (July 31. 2016)
Hospitality is such a great way to show the love of Jesus Christ to others. Its so simple to open your home and love others. You’ll never know who inviting someone over for a meal can help someone who is struggling. Your house does not have to be spotless and you don’t have to serve a gourmet meal. Making the effort to invite someone counts for ton. So think about that person you’ve been meaning to invite over or that person that God has put on your heart and invite them over. You can just invite them out for a walk if your home circumstances are challenging. Reach out and love someone today.




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