Women’s Meeting-Container Gardening – Ezekiel 17:8

Container Gardening

Women’s Meeting-Container Gardening – Ezekiel 17:8

Friday I led a gardening workshop at LifeSpring Community Church, https://www.discoverlifespring.com/. As I prepared I was struck by the number of verses in the bible that relate our spiritual walk with garden analogies. The first thing you have to do before you plant is to make sure you have good soil. And so before we can be any good to anyone we have to make sure that we have cultivated a heart that is tillable and ready for seed so we can be fruitful. Ezekiel 17:8says: It had been planted in good soil by abundant water so that it would produce branches, bear fruit and become a splendid vine.’ Wow, what a great word picture: a splendid vine bearing much fruit. That’s what I want to be!


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