“For Everyone who has crossed over to the Promised Land, there are are many who stand for a while and look longingly across the river and then turn sadly back to the comparative safety of the sandy wastes of the old life.” A. T. Tozer
When the pastor asked me to use this verse for this week’s bulletin cover, I have to say that I didn’t really know who A.W. Tozer was, so I did a little research and discovered the he was a prolific Christian writer and pastor living in Ohio. He became a pastor in 1919, at the age of 22 and along the he became a prominent leader in The Christian and Missionary Alliance. His message was for us to have a deeper walk. I think this will just be the beginning of my research and reading more of A.W.Tozer. In the meantime, I take a moment to pause when I read this quote to renew my commitment share the Good News wherever and whenever I can.
Here’s a link to The Alliance which offers devotionals from A. W. Tozer y https://www.cmalliance.org/devotions/tozer
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