Welcome to the 100 heart project. Our mission here at Blessinks and in the Sektchnote Boss Facebook group is to learn to draw closer to the Lord with visual faith. We doodle prayer cards, keep a life journal with lots of doodles and we sketch during the sermon (Sermon Sketchnotes). With all this awesome talent our group is developing we thought we would take an outward focus in February. The challenge was to create 29 trading cards with a heart on the front and a verse on the back. BUT then I threw down a super challenge of doing 100 heart trading cards and giving them away.
Here’s a pic of some of the hearts I have completed so far. I will post pics of all 100 hearts. Did you get one from me or someone else in our group? Did it bless you? Leave a comment.
If you want the printable with the verses, sign up for my newsletter. You will get a confirmation email to the Members Only Page. The printable will on that page. Projects are listed by Month, so look for February 2020.

So far I have given away cards to:
2 – my friend at her 80th birthday party and the lovely host of the party.
1- to the awesome Southwestairlines crew on the flight home tonight
5 at the oncology center
2 to family members who need some encouragement
1 to the janitor in the Phoenix airport.
1 to the Air BNB folks for making the arrangments so fast.
1 to Tracie Rollins for being an awesome encouragement.